Nowadays, we can take photos and share them on social media with hand-held technology and enjoy browsing through the images from the other side of the world. Nevertheless , ship portraits are still being drawn and painted using traditional techniques.


Ship spotters, or ship observers, not only photograph ships: they know their technical characteristics, study their history, follow the routes, await their arrival at the nearest ports, organise themselves to portray them and then share videos and photos on websites, blogs and social media. Along with the images, they also share technical information on the ship.

They are found at ports all over the world, photographing cruise ships, containers, sail boats, fishing boats, warships and more.


Technological advances applied to photography mean professional photographers can take snapshots that were previously unthinkable. There are no rules: the image can be cut and off centre. What is valued is the importance of capturing a specific moment. The images are published with data identifying the ship, place and time.

New digital media have changed the way ships are portrayed. Drones allow images to be taken in movement while a ship is sailing; they can move around and get closer to record details that are impossible to see anywhere else.

Diego Yriarte, photographer specialized in nautical
